domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013


   Maestra si, tía no: A complete different context from other countries, but the same issues concerning education. I must confess that I could not get the gist of the first words, I felt at some point like if were reading a whole critic against the Mexican educational system. I am not saying that I am in favor but I know that is not a whole garbage at all. When I started reading this book I could notice that it would be a challenge for me; as the reading arrived to the end of the first letter I was completely connected with the reading, but not because I were submerged in the content, it was because this book describes my aversion to imposed readings.
    When I was coursing my last months in college I knew my reading habits were changing and I was committed to eradicate the way I perceive imposed readings. However, is not the same reading for pleasure than reading because you need specific information to prepare a class in one subject or because your tutor is asking you to do it.
    My professional growth is going to imply this process, dealing with every day knowledge that will be taken from books, comprehension of what Freire calls “the reading of the world/word” and the difficult, but not impossible, gradual change to my main objective as a PEM: leading my students and myself to achieve one particular result, teaching and learning meaningfully. All in all, the road will be taken together students and PEM, my concern now is the way I will try not to inherit my habits to my pupils.

   I am not the “aunty Sonia” but why not to call my students “family” if we are most of the time part of it……

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